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Today is Safe Internet Day: check the schedule

Today, Tuesday, February 9, we celebrate Safe Internet Day, an initiative by SaferNet in search of a safer and more accessible internet. SaferNet is a non-governmental organization that brings together professors, researchers and scientists to discuss human rights on the internet. The NGO has organized events to discuss the topic since 2004 (2009, in Brazil). This year, due to the isolation caused by the new coronavirus pandemic, the events will be held 100% online.

This is the 13th Safe Internet Day in Brazil and the debates have already started with the opening table (welcome) presented by the president of SaferNet in Brazil, Thiago Tavares, but who also receives Márcio Migon, coordinator of; Demi Getschko, president of; Priscila Schreiner, prosecutor of the Public Ministry of SP; Daniele Fontes, Facebook security manager in Latin America; Natália Paiva, Instagram public policies in Latin America and Nathalia Watkins, from Tik Tok.

Video of the opening table of last year’s edition.

In addition to the opening table, the event has a program of debates and keynotes that runs until 6 pm, check the complete schedule here! SaferNet offers the event in Portuguese and English. Interested parties can watch the discussions through the channel on Youtube.

According to SaferNet, in this 13th edition, last year’s internet security indicators will be released, collected based on the complaints made to the websites “” and “”, maintained by SaferNet.

The director of, Demi Getschko, believes that to overcome the challenges of a safer internet, it is necessary to organize individual and collective actions, such as the production of awareness materials, training, debates and discussions such as the Internet Day event. Safe.

Discussion of the Safe Internet Day 2017. Photo SaferNet.
Discussion of the Safe Internet Day 2017. Photo SaferNet.

In addition to today’s discussion, activities will also be offered on the topic for the rest of the week. On Wednesday (10), SaferNet will host the Youth Summit, a security and digital citizenship event dedicated to young people and teenagers. On Thursday (11), the 15th International Computer Security Day (DISI) event, held by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, will be held. Lastly, on friday (12), it is the turn of the animation of Canal Futura, “Which Body is This?”, which addresses topics such as emotional health, digital reputation, internet accessibility and others.

Happy Safe Internet Day!

Sources: SaferNet.

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