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Verified mess — Twitter’s $8 blue tick rollout sees ‘verified’ fakes
Robin Banks Phishing Service for Cybercriminals Returns with Russian Server
As Twitter brings on $8 fee, phishing emails target verified accounts
Hackers selling access to 576 corporate networks for $4 million
22-Year-Old Vulnerability Reported in Widely Used SQLite Database Library
Verizon notifies prepaid customers their accounts were breached
Ransomware attack halts circulation of some German newspapers
Mirai Botnet Hits Wynncraft Minecraft Server with 2.5 Tbps DDoS Attack
New npm timing attack could lead to supply chain attacks
LofyGang hackers built a credential-stealing enterprise on Discord, NPM
Akamai detects 79M malicious domain names in first half of the year
Meta dismantles massive Russian network spoofing Western news sites
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